Between the worldwide pandemic, chaos downtown, murder hornets and more, it is no surprise that 2020 is weighing on us all. Simonson’s always aims to deliver an experience of perpetual renewal, which is why we invite you to leave your worries at our door and instead try using these fun, quirky or ‘get-to-know-you’ conversation starters… Read more »
Simonson’s Finally Reopens! | Twin Cities Live
Reporter Kelli Hanson takes us to Simonson’s Salon and Spa to find out what guests can expect as salons reopen. Throughout their closure, Simonson’s has been diligently working to provide our guests, team and community with a beacon of light and hope during these challenging times.
Simonson’s Reopens | CCX Media
SIMONSON’S SALON AND SPA PREPARES TO REOPEN It’s been more than two months since Simonson’s Salon and Spa temporarily closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but come June 1, they’ll welcome customers back to each of its three locations. “We have hair, face, body and nail services available, as well as our boutique, curbside pickup… Read more »